Price Aggregator - Get the Second-Hand Value of your Watch
At Extropian, we wanted to offer our community the most accurate tool to stay up to date on the secondary market prices for the mid-segment watches. Though they are already existing very valuable tools, they are mainly focused on luxury and more main stream brands.
That is why we have developed our own algorithms, to process datas and filter them considering the particularities of the independent and micro brands. Daily, we collect, purge and select datas coming from the main resale platforms and covering most of the segment products.
By using Extropian, you will find these valuable information - prices, volume and history - in :
- the watch cards (database)
- the Watchbook
- the Second Hand marketplace (soon)
As you know, our mission is to provide as transparent, accurate and independent information as we can. Feel free to contact us if you have any suggestion that may help us to improve our tool.